Monday, June 23, 2008

Setting up bridge with comar methods

To share internet connection, i will use bridging. In order to do that, i implement some methods that add/delete bridge interface and add/remove interfaces to the bridge interface. These methods are:

and also i add a new interface to comar's model.xml file, named "Net.Share" and the above methods are added to these comar interface.


Unknown said...

I am waiting for this module to be released. I have managed to set up my dhcp and sharing from the console. But i have no clue if my settings are optimum and safe. And because i would not want to setup all again , i hesitate to replace my Pardus 2007 with 2008 :D. Good luck and be quick :D

Emre said...


I'm also looking forward to it. I'm trying to setup some virtual guests and I don't know how to setup a bridge as there's no /etc/network/interfaces like file.


Cihangir BEŞİKTAŞ said...

Hi Emre,
Bridge support was removed from the project but you can use bridge facilities using brctl command. For more information, just search "howto bridge in linux" in Google.