Monday, June 23, 2008

Setting up bridge with comar methods

To share internet connection, i will use bridging. In order to do that, i implement some methods that add/delete bridge interface and add/remove interfaces to the bridge interface. These methods are:

and also i add a new interface to comar's model.xml file, named "Net.Share" and the above methods are added to these comar interface.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

OpenVPN Client GUI is coming...

Nowadays i am trying to add openvpn client connection feature to Tasma 's network-manager and soon it will finish. OpenVPN is an application that provides secure connection. To setup an openvpn connection, you have to enter the parameters:
-device type: tun/tap
-domain name or ip of the openvpn server
-port number - occasionally 1194
-protocol number UDP/TCP
-CA certificate
-client certificates: .crt and .key files
-Chipher type: no chipher, BF-CBC, AS-128-CBC, DES-EDE3-CBC

These parameters can be written to a configuration file (assume "client.conf") and the connection can be done easily with the command "#openvpn --config client.conf" if all the parameters are rigth and complete.

You can see codes by clikcing here

Monday, June 9, 2008

Meeting with Pardus Developers

Today i went to TUBITAK UEKAE and meet Pardus project developers. The team was very nice and they were working hard to complete the new release of Pardus 2008. While they were doing these, i was studying on my project part that is about DHCP Server Configuration.